IQ test ...

2006/11/15 有的沒的 當年勇

同事給的 IQ test 網站:

只有 124 分 :'(

共有 40 題, 英文的題目... 看來敗在英文太爛, 真糟糕, 語言能力只有 40% ~ 50% 的水準 :~~~

測完有詳細的 report, 分四個領域個別分析你的能力.. 貼一小段我的測試報告上來:






Congratulations, Andrew!
Your IQ score is 124

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.
Your Intellectual Type is Precision Processor. This means you're exceptionally good at discovering quick solutions to problems, especially ones that involve math or logic. You're also resourceful and able to think on your feet. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.




Mathematical Intelligence

Your Mathematical Percentile
90th percentile

You scored in the 90th percentile on the mathematical intelligence scale.This means that you scored higher than 80% - 90% of people who took the test and that 10% - 20% scored higher than you did. The scale above illustrates this visually.
Your mathematical intelligence score represents your combined ability to reason and calculate. You scored relatively high, which means you're probably the one your friends look to when splitting the lunch bill or calculating your waitresses' tip. You may or may not be known as a math whiz, but number crunching might come a little easier to you than it does others.




Visual-Spatial Intelligence

Your Visual-Spatial Percentile
70th percentile

You scored in the 70th percentile on the visual-spatial intelligence scale.
This means that you scored higher than 60% - 70% of people who took the test and that 30% - 40% scored higher than you did. The scale above illustrates this visually.
The visual-spatial component of intelligence measures your ability to extract a visual pattern and from that envision what should come next in a sequence. Your score was relatively high, which could mean that you're the one navigating the map when you're on an outing with friends. You have, in some capacity, an ability to think in pictures. Maybe this strength comes out in subtle ways, like how you play chess or form metaphors.




Linguistic Intelligence

Your Linguistic Percentile
50th percentile

You scored in the 50th percentile on the linguistic intelligence scale.
This means that you scored higher than 40% - 50% of people who took the test and that 50% - 60% scored higher than you did. The scale above illustrates this visually.
Linguistic abilities include reading, writing and communicating with words. Tickle's test measures knowledge of vocabulary, ease in completing word analogies and the ability to think critically about a statement based on its semantic structure. Your score was relatively low, which could just mean that you convey ideas through other means than verbally. Or maybe it just means you find other ways to spend your time than doing crossword puzzles.




Logical Intelligence

Your Logical Percentile
100th percentile

You scored in the 100th percentile on the logical intelligence scale.
This means that you scored higher than 90% - 100% of people who took the test and that 0% - 10% scored higher than you did. The scale above illustrates this visually.
Tickle's logical intelligence questions assess your ability to think things through. The questions determine the extent to which you use reasoning and logic to determine the best solution to a problem. Your logic score was relatively high, which could mean that when the car breaks down, your friends look to you to help figure out not only what's wrong, but how to fix it and how you're going to get to the next gas station.

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